Thursday, March 26, 2020

Model Data for Following CD works available

For SOR 2024 - 25

1. Minor / Major Bridge with Pile Foundation

2. Minor / Major Bridge with Open Foundation

3. Minor / Major Bridge with Raft Foundation

4. Culverts (2 to 6m LWW)

5. RCC Box Culverts

6. Pipe Culverts

7. RCC Drain

Click here to Download

1 comment:

  1. hello sir could you please provide me
    Minor / Major Bridge with Pile Foundation
    2. Minor / Major Bridge with Open Foundation
    3. Minor / Major Bridge with Raft Foundation
    4. Culverts (2 to 6m LWW)
    5. RCC Box Culverts
    6. Pipe Culverts
    7. RCC Drain
    excel sheets of your works
